Tuesday, September 10, 2013

People Who Express Their Concern

I got sent these flowers from two girls you may have seen in earlier posts, my twin friends - one half of which is currently studying in America and the other who comes to bootcamp regularly. I was talking to the international half one day and filling her in on current Perth events, such as work, the latest news at our swimming club and then told her about my recent cyclist vs runner incident. At the same time I was also talking to the Perth based twin, organising a swim workout for us next week, but didn't actually tell her about the accident.

When I got home from work that same day, I found a massive bunch of flowers in my room from these gorgeous girls, organised from the other side of the world. It reminded me that people do care about me and my well being and that I matter to some people. Definitely put a smile on my face that day!

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