Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday's Spent With Friends

My weekends are normally crazy! I work on Saturday's, I coach swimming for an hour on one of the two days, I have a bootcamp to run, I do other training as well...pretty much you blink and you miss it! This weekend though, would have to be the longest period of time I spent sitting in one place for a while! (and I'm talking around 2 hours).

It was my friend Claire's birthday and she is a huge Dockers fan, so she couldn't think of a better way to spend her birthday then to have people over and watch the footy. I'm not really a footy fan, actually I'm not a footy fan at all...which my family pretty much disowns me for. I am in a tipping competition, but my method of picking my teams depends on the colours and mascots of the teams and which combination I prefer of the two. Needless to say I'm not doing very well in the tipping (wooden spoon!!).

But despite my lack of interest in football and not even being able to follow what was going on in the game, it was a great afternoon of not running around from place to place and to catch up with people I generally see, but often only for minutes at a time.

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