Thursday, September 12, 2013

Learning Something New

In the world of Physiotherapy, following your initially registration on the Australian board of Physiotherapy you have to complete at least 15 hours of professional development each year to deem you eligible to register again for the next year.

At first when I had just come out of uni, the thought of trying to stuff my brain with even more information was so daunting and I could not read and take in any more knowledge. In the practice I work for we do continuing education every month which was enough to get me started on those 15 hours, but now that I'm over 6 months out of uni, I feel I have it in to direct my own learning again. So I registered for a webinar run by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.  

The webinar was about chronic pain - something that we see so much in private practice and pain central sensitization, a topic I have always been interested in but not really understood. Thanks to this webinar now though, I feel like I really do understand it and can help prevent it in so many of my patients.

Just in case you wanted to know...Central Sensitisation is a process that happens in the spinal cord and the brain which makes you more susceptible to the feel of pain, even if there is no structure that is been harmed. The longer the duration in which you initially feel pain and the extent to which you focus on the pain makes the brain more receptive to the pain which means you can feel it even if there is no actual incoming stimulus. Crazy hey?? Hope you learnt something new!

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