Monday, September 2, 2013


So today wasn't my best day. On the whole, compared to where I have been in the past I have been doing a lot better, but these days tend to come around every so often. And when they do, I do what ever I can to distract myself. Today, I baked.

I baked two loaves of Clean Zucchini bread, Raw Skout Bars, and Sweet Potato Hummus. I baked all morning before heading off for work in the afternoon. A busy day of patients that kept me distracted for the remainder of the day. Then from work I went straight to Tough Mudder Training where I was distracted by a different kind of pain.

I know that distractions and a band aid and just push everything into the back ground, but sometimes that's the best I can do. Today that was the best I could do.

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