Sunday, September 8, 2013


I was having a crazy morning. It was about 9.30am and by this time I had completed my morning boxing session, been to the athletics training session that I am currently being the team Physio for, showered and eaten breakfast and was in the city to pick up some race packs for my mum and me. And I knew I has so much to go as well - 2 loads of washing in process at home and had to be at work by 12pm.

Now if you don't know Perth at the moment, there are road works EVRYWHERE! You cannot get anywhere without doing through a detour. I was trying to get to the Convention Centre to pick up these race packs but the road works meant that I couldn't find my way into the car park at the centre - but I knew it was still possible, so that was starting to frustrate me. I ended up just parking down on the river front at the Ferry terminal, which is about a kilometre from the Convention Centre is you walked in a straight line.

But I thought I would walk along the river side and cross the busy Riverside Drive when I got closer to the centre at the crossing down there. I get to the crossing and guess what...more roadwork's! Meaning the cross was not in operation and instead of walking the 1km directly to the Centre, I walked almost 2km in the wrong direction, almost into another suburb to walk another 3km from that suburb to the Centre as that was fastest way I knew to get into the centre and by this point was very frustrated and knew I was starting to run out of time. I finally got to the race pack collection, ploughed through it and started my long power walk back to my car again.

But just outside the convention centre, I saw two guys selling Daffodils. It was national Daffodil Day, raising money for the Cancer Council of Australia. So I stopped my manic looking power walk and bought two Daffodils. Instantly felt better. The feeling of giving to something bigger, and something that has the aim to help so many ill people is enough to make anyone feel good. So today I was thankful for being able to give and help these sick people, but also to the Charities that make such a difference to these peoples lives through their continuous fundraising.

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