Thursday, September 26, 2013


I love it when you look on a menu and see an item that is 'Deconstructed'.  Normally all the ingredients making up this item are amazing on their own, but then when you mix them together, its good! The other bonus about deconstructed dishes, is that you can reconstruct it to your liking.

I was catching up with my best friends friend who she met on exchange two years ago, and since then I have met her a couple of times. She is from Adelaide (where my best friend is currently living) and came over to WA for a footy game, so we decided to catch up. We went to Typika in Claremont which has a great open atmosphere with different groups of people sharing tables.

I ordered the Deconstructed Hot Chocolate which was so fun to make your self at the table, would definitely recommend it to anyone!

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