Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Line To Follow

Whether it's a line on the bottom of the pool, the boundary line of an oval, the line on a foot path or a long road. Give me a line to follow and I'm a happy girl!

When I was racing open water, I preferred racing in the rowing regatta lakes then at the beach. Yeah the water at these places tasted like algae, was brown and murky and you could barely see a meter in front of you, but there were lines of buoys down the whole lake. And what are the buoys attached to? A line of rope that is about a meter below the surface of the water. So once the race field had spread out a bit and you had your own space to swim in, I would get as close to the buoys as I could and look hard for this yellow rope. Once I had my line to follow, the race became a whole lot easier. I just had to remember to clear the buoys every 5m.

When I have a line to follow, its one less thing I have to worry about. There is something telling me which way to go and I can forget about directions. It creates a sense of calm in me...sounds weird I know. A line can be more or less endless, or as long as you want it to be. If you get to the end of it, just turn around and head back the way you came.

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