Sunday, November 24, 2013

One Week To Go!

I'm sorry about all the dance related posts, but it is November. And this is all I am doing, well maybe not the first two, but breathing and dancing, yep that would cover my last 72 hours for sure!

Dress rehearsal. Chaos! we had kids running, crawling, climbing changing in hallways, standing on chairs while we put shoes on, pinning costumes onto them. We lost costumes, found costumes, worked out we were missing costumes, broke and then fixed costumes...utter chaos!

However, once the costumes were on -  the best we could get them done for the day, and my littlies were on stage, they impressed me. They knew what they were doing, where their positions were and what came next. The only thing they didn't do was smile. But that will come!

So one week to go and I'm counting down the days, but things look like they might just work out ok!

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