Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Color Running

If you have never done a Color Run, I highly recommend you do. The idea: you start of clean and white, you finish covered head to toe in powder paint which tends to all mix together and you end almost brown. The paint hits you most during the Color Festival at the end of the run. But to get covered, you have to run first.

It is advertised as a 5km run, but for all those non-runners out there, it is not even close to 5km so there is hope for you yet! You run through colour stations during the run which is where you get hit with single colours at a time, so this is when you look a little more like a rainbow then a brown puddle but you get hit with no where near as much colour due to the number of people running through these stations at any one time.

But the Color Throw is like nothing I have ever done before. All together thousands of people throw packets of power paint into the air. What I didn't expect was the powder to completely block out the sun and it to be so dark under this cloud of paint. And it goes everywhere - you breath it in, it goes up your nose, in your eyes and ears and down your clothes. For a bit of a clean freak like me, it was definitely an experience I had prepared myself for and I swear I was still scrubbing the paint off my body days later!

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