Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I get given drawings done by my kids all the time, this is the most recent one I received. Some of them draw them for me at school, some at home, and others while they are waiting for their class. These kids put so much effort into their pictures. I get pictures of me with them, of houses, flowers, people under trees and then I get the really inventive ones which have glitter and shapes cut out, or the ones where you paint on one side and fold the paper in half so it transfers onto the other side as well.

I love seeing the pride in their faces when they give their creations to me, that makes me just as happy as the actual picture. I have them all hanging about my bed room window where I can be reminded of the effort these kids put into something a simple as a picture and their big smiles when they give them to me. I reminds me to be proud of what you do - give everything you do all the effort and focus you can and be proud of what you produce. Or when in doubt, go draw something!

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