Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Car

I honestly don't know what I would do without my car, and in particular my huge boot! The picture above is my car packed for my Sunday. I have my dance bag for my tech rehearsal and all the cards and bracelets I had made for my kids, from there I was heading to the pool to race in a swim meet so I had my swim bag and my gear bag in the blue crate. After that I was off to bootcamp so I had my gym back and all the equipment that was needed for that such as skipping ropes, mirrors to write the program, speakers, cones and a couple of towels, and finally from there I was heading to Matilda Bay to catch up with some uni friends so I had another change of clothes for that one too.

So I leave my boot space to be packed for my day, but in my passenger seats I have just my general life. This is where all my bootcamp stuff lives, I also have two spare towels, a jumper, pair of shorts, pair of bathers cap and goggles (you never know when your going to be able to squeeze a swim in!) and a blow up dolphin...don't ask! There is bug spray deodorant, strapping tape, pen and paper, road name it, it's in my car! Nothing like being prepared.

I have some friends who don't have their licence yet and some without cars and I honestly don't know how they get around to everything they need to do in their days. Without my car I would not be able to do half the things I fit into my days!!

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