Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting It Done!

At the end of each dance year, I have made personalised cards for each of my dancers, each with a hand written message. My first year of teaching I would have only had around a total of 20 dancers, so only 20 cards. Over the past 7 years, my numbers have slowly grown.

This year I made a total of 63 cards. I folded 63 pieces of card, cut and bordered 63 dance pictures, wrote 63 names in 3D glitter paint, bordered those and then stuck all these pieces onto each card. The key to this process...production line! A good production line meant I could make all the cards in less then 2 days. The part that took the longest was writing in each of the cards. I like each of them to be individualised and I sometimes get stumped on what to say, so the writing took over a week to get through.

This year I decided to add an extra challenge to my end of year production. I made each dancer a knitted beaded bracelet. I use to make a heap of these years ago, but haven't made any in the past four years at least. I made them with pretty much whatever I could find...buttons, sequins, bells, beads and they are all different.

At the time, it felt like I would not get the numbers out in time, but like many things in life you just have to get it done. Happy to say I got through them all with a week to spare!

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