Monday, November 11, 2013

Franklin The Fighting Fish

This is my fighting fish. His name is Franklin. I was given him for my 21st birthday. Growing up we didn't have too many pets. When I was really little (like 2-3 years old) we had a cat called Cocktail, which I think was a stray that we just kind of adopted. But he ended up with a brain tumour so we had to put him down probably when I was about 4. I don't know if I had reactions when I was that young but now I am allergic to both cats and dogs, so that makes them an unrealistic possibility as a pet.

When I was 10 I got a bunny called Layla for my birthday. She was my baby for a very long time. We had our bunnies (my brother when through two, Layla out lived them both, go girl!) trained to run around our big garden for the day, but when we hit a plastic bowl against the bricks, they would come back to their cage. She was a good bunny but got sick when I was 15, spent 3 weeks in the vet, where she died.

I then went pet-less until 21 when I was given Franklin. I had heard stories from other people with pet fish that they didn't live very long, a year if you were lucky and often died in the winter because of the cold. Franklin though is now almost two and still going strong. After going on a hunger strike when I thought this might be it for him, he has bounced back and is now fighting as strong as even. He just keeps swimming!

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