Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Receiving Thanks

Last week I treated a lady who has severe emphysema and is down to less then 10% lung function in both lungs. She is on oxygen 24 hours a day, extremely frail and is using all her accessory muscles to get air in (this means she is using muscles that she should be using for arm and head movements instead to help expand her lungs and get in as much air as possible!).

After using these muscles for a job they are not suppose to do, they have become sore and tired. She reported to be in constant pain which is affecting every aspect of her life. She saw a male physio at our clinic last year, but came to me this year because she was embarrassed. So I took her on and treated her.

I got into work today and there was this note in my diary. What makes me happy, is spending 20 minutes with this lovely woman has made her feel better at the time, as well as improved her quality of life.

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