Thursday, November 7, 2013

Running Further Then Expected When There's A Lot To Think About

I had done my boxing class for the morning and I would normally go for a run after it. Today I was tired from a big weekend and a big couple of days of training I'd had, and extremely sore partly from training and also from my Deep Tissue the day before. So put my keys and drink bottle behind the desk at the gym, told them I wouldn't be long and planned just to get through a short run...that would be better then nothing.

I set off and yep, feeling pretty terrible. Legs were heavy and everything was aching. But by the time I had run the 1km down to the river, I had forgotten about my heavy legs and aching body and was completely distracted by some news that had just been told to me which was going to change some things in my life in a few small ways. One small event was going to change a number of different things and the further I ran the more changes I thought of.

I was still trying to process the changes ahead when I realised how far away I was from my starting point. Thought I better turn around and the thinking continued to plough ahead the whole way back to the gym. By the time I did make it back though, my body felt so much better then when I had set out to start with and I felt I had made some sense of the information I had been given and a way forward from here. These head clearing runs always come when least expected but most needed!

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