Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Swans

I was with some friends down at the river late afternoon one day and these big black birds were all around the place. The black swan is out state bird and can be found on  the crest of Western Australia, so we have them everywhere.

Before today I have never really had an encounter with these birds. But today these two started swimming towards and then waddled out of the water, bee lining directly for us while we were sitting by the river. They started to get pretty close, so I stood up to try and send them back in the opposite direction. Then the one on the left hissed at me, I ran!!

These two birds had guts, since when were swans so stubborn? There were no bushes or anything that could signify their nest around us, so we think it was unlikely they were being protective of their eggs. So as much as having a swam hiss at me was not ideal, good on them for not being intimidated!!

One of my friends did manage to stand her ground though and eventually the swans did turn around and swim away, it wasn't until then that I could come sit down again!

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