Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fun Patients

Each day when I get into work I quickly cast my eyes down my days patient list to see who I've got coming in and what injuries I need to prepare for that day. Like with any job, there are always those patients who I love treating because they are just good fun to work with.

Today looking at my diary, every single one of my patients were those fun patients that I look forward to. I started off with this this lovely friend and ex-training partner. She sees me regularly to stay on top of her muscles length and tension to allow her to continue training and competing in Open Water Swimming at her full potential.

But her appointments have to be strategically placed in my diary. I need to allow appointment slots for her and it would be ideal if there is no-one booked immediately after her as well. Partially because I need a rest, but more so because she scares off my patients. She screams, yells, swears, pants and hits things to get her through the appointment. Most people hold their breathe and tense up against me...not this one! She lets everything out.

Not only do I love treating this girl for the entertainment value, we get to catch up regularly about the common people we know, find out what's happening in each others lives and have a good laugh as well.

Fun patients like this chicky make the day so much more enjoyable and make it go super fast.

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