Monday, November 4, 2013

Calm Before The Storm

I was walking to training this morning, and everything was still. There were no flies (which have been a big hassle lately), the wind hadn't picked up yet and everything was quiet. Training this morning was an outdoor session completely in the open with no place to hide and could see these clouds ahead of me. It looked pretty awesome, but would probably have looked even better if I knew I wasn't going to be stuck in it and it was coming my way!

I got to the training location and the wind picked up ... a lot. When I jumped with burpee's, I was blown sideways. Looking at that sky line, it was a given that we got wet. But maybe for the first time I was thankful for it being really windy, because it blew most of what you can see past us so we didn't get completely soaked. So it turned out to be the calm before a light/windy shower...thankful for that!

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