Friday, November 22, 2013


Two weeks out from the concert and things are finally coming together for my Juniors. My kindies...they're so cute it doesn't matter what they do on stage, they are going to capture the audience regardless. Last year for example, I had the cutest little boy with a big mop of ringlets and all he did was stand there! Even after the dance had finished, the rest of his class had left the stage and the next item had started, he was too busy watching!

But my Juniors, there is some expectation on them to remember their own dance and be in time with the music and with each other. Just last week I was worried and starting to get frustrated. I start the end of year dances pretty early with this class because I know how much time and repetition they need to remember it. So after last week which involved a lot of yelling out steps, corrections, patterns and hand positions from me, I was apprehensive about what I was coming back to this week.

Happily surprised! They remembered to skip with their hands, to have their foot popped when doing their hips and their timing was much more in sync. I'm now actually excited about their concert performance and feel they are going to do me proud!

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