Saturday, November 2, 2013

Being Organised

Most of the people I work with bring very little with them each day. The guys - their phone and wallet. The girls - a handbag with their phone and wallet, plus all the stuff that tends to accumulate in your handbag.

Me on the other had, I tend to bring at least 3 bags with me each day. I've got my work bag with notes, copies of some of my patient programs (because my patients often see me at different practices), my stethoscope (I seem to get all the cardio patients), my iPad to fill my empty appointments and has all my articles and a water bottle.

Then I have my training bag which has my sneakers, a separate pair of socks, crop top, shorts and singlet, a pair of bathers, towel, cap and goggles because if I don't make my scheduled training session because of my work diary I will go for a run or a swim instead.

My final bag is for after my training session - most days I have to go out from training as well so I have a change of clothes, jumper, extra towel and another water bottle. My car gets pack for the day very early in the morning, but planning for the day begins the night before. Without being organised my life pretty much turns into chaos, not being organised is not an option.

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