Thursday, July 17, 2014

12 Steps

Not going to lie, I have really been struggling to write these posts over the past couple of days. So I sat down to write this morning and hit that wall that I have been facing for the past few days. So, as I have done every other day, I left it for a while and checked through my emails and flicked through my phone. I came across this photo and it just jumped out at me.

I know that I need to start looking after myself a little more. I need to stop worrying about what others thing and what they are doing and become totally invested in myself, my goals and my dreams. Every single one of these points NEEDS to be applied to my life, because I don't think I truly follow any of them.

If it feels wrong, don't do it. For me this means listen to your body, not your head. My head tells me a lot of things, many of which are very wrong. But I am very strong minded and often do what me heads tells me to do despite the consequence I could be facing. Say exactly what you mean. Another thing I'm not good at...putting things into words and saying them out aloud. And when I do manage to out something into words, I often down play exactly what I am thinking or what I mean. Whether that's because of embarrassment , shame or wanting to please others. Which takes me straight to number three. 

Stop worrying about what others think and trying to please people.if they don't like what I'm doing. Stuff them. I'm doing what is right for me. I am an individual. Trust your instincts. Again only you know what is best for your. Never speak badly of yourself. As the sufferer of an eating disorder, this is a tough one, because this makes up a good part of your day. Practice makes perfect and this is one for me to practice. 

Follow your dreams. Why settle for anything less? Don't be afraid to say no, or yes! Do what is best for you. Be kind to yourself, takes me back to not speaking badly about yourself. And the last one that is really important for me, let go of what you can't control. If it is out of your control there is NOTHING you can do about it. What will be will be so there is no point wasting time and energy worrying about it. You can control your response however, so focus on that! 

I think I need to look at this one as a daily reminder, we all need a bit of self care!

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