Tuesday, July 8, 2014


For those of you who have been following the wrist senario, answers have finally been given. I had explorative surgery last week to see if the cause of the aching could be intentified.

Well it has. There is a tear in the cartilage wedge in my wrist that needs surgical repair with or without and tendon graft. That decision will be made when I'm in there. 

So along with the answers about what is going on, I also get the answers about what lies ahead of me for the next 4 months or so. Following the next surgery which is scheduled for 2 weeks time, I have 3 months of no hands on work. Yes months not weeks. I will be splinted for 6 of those weeks and be limited in my day to day function and physical activity. Not ideal.

There was the initial panic which always sets in, but I coped with this news suprisingly better the I thought I would. Still yet to determine what I am going to do work wise and sport wise over the coming three month, I have options. And more importantly I finally have the answer I have been waiting for.

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