Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Universe

Every day I get a note from The Universe. A little message in my inbox at the end of the day from an organisation called Totally Unique Thoughts. Each day the message is just that...totally unique.

The story behind the organisation is that everything happens for a reason and the universe is in control of everything. They believe that everyone is special and is uniquely individual. You go to work your 9-5 job with the tens to thousands of other 9-5 workers, you go through the same daily routine, working for someone else and not fulfilling your own potential, you are losing your individuality.

They believe that thoughts become things, so what you think about the most will happen to you. If you think bad things, bad things will happen, if you think good things....wooooo!!

Some days I get messages and I could take them or leave them. Don't get me wrong the message is powerful and inspirational, but right in that moment not quite the words I need to here.

But when they are the words I need to hear...oh wow! It's like someone has punched you in the stomach and grabbed and squeezed the air out of your lungs. On a day where I was totally overwhelmed by work, injury and training being only weeks out of the showdown and feeling completely unprepared, I got a message made up of three sentences. 'Write is down, Write is down Chloe, Write it down.' Wow did I have a lot to write down.

On the day that I bought an apartment, applied and got a new job and was second guessing every decision I had just made and was questioning every part of my ability, I got one saying "Would it make a difference Chloe if you knew that we understand the battles you have fought, and approved the decisions you have made? Whether or not it makes a difference, YOU have'. Another big punch! But I suddenly felt like I was capable to doing what needed to be done, and that I can make it work.

It doesn't matter what is happening in each persons life because everyone is different. But these messages can be just what you need to remind you of the bigger picture and that you are never in it alone. The Universe is in your corner.

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