Monday, July 14, 2014

Believing It Will Work

I have had another opportunity presented to me. By someone that I trust 100%. It is kind of a business, self development, helping others, project kind of thing. Super helpful in clarifying your understanding I know!

I've had it explained to me twice now and I am still trying to get my head around it. In terms of business and work, it kind of goes against everything I know and have been taught. But my business knowledge is less then limited. I have had no experience at running a business, managing a business or really promoting a I am kind of swinging in the dark on that one. 

I am very much a person that tends to stick with what I know, I don't like to venture into the unknown, because to me the outcome is uncertain and unpredictable. I like stability and predictability. But this new opportunity is very much uncertain to me as I, and really all my immediate family have never really been exposed to or involved in this way of business that I know of. So I don't really have a well known role model for me to assess the situation. 

But life has been throwing curve balls my way recently and seeing how well I can catch...not always a brilliant player in ball sports but I'm a fast learner. Which is why I think, despite knowing pretty much nothing, I am just going to give it a shot. With the time off I have coming up, what do I really have to lose? Time? So although it goes against everything I have known to be true for as long as I can remember I need to stop over-thinking, second guessing and coming up with reasons it or I will fail. If you want and believe something to work, it will. Same applies here. 

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