Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I'm no entrepreneur, but after this morning I feel like I could become one. 

A good friend has just taken on the role of the Perth crusader, for the League of Extrodinary Women. An organisation that works to inspire and empower women in the world of small business and to become successful business women. This morning was the first of the Breakfast events that she has been in charge of, so I went along to support her. 

Not really sure what I had signed up to, all I knew was that there would be other women who were trying to or already running small businesses of their own (something I'm not actually doing) and that the founder of The Jungle Body was being interviewed today, both about forming and the ups and downs she has faced will developing her world wide business. 

Like I said I am not a business person at all, and have no big plans to become one anytime soon. But after listening to Tara talk about her business path up until now, definitely inspired! Like everything that's worth anything, it didn't happen over night and Shen worked bloody hard to get to where she is today. There were plenty of mistakes, but without these mistakes you wouldn't learn. 

She was just your average Perth girl, who found a hole in the market and came up with a way to fill it. Now her business is all over the world and embraced by possibly millions of people. Still no big business plans for me, but it got me thinking. If a Perth girl can conquer the world, I can do anything that I want to do. You just have to backs yourself, work bloody hard and never give up. Simple!

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