Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hair Dresses

It is common knowledge by now, because I have written about it many times before, that I am currently unable to wash my own hair (see previous blog posts). So a couple of days ago I was the my friends hair salon so that she could wash my hair for me my colour. I am one of those people that are not regular with getting my roots done.

Yeah it looks terrible, but my hair is always tied up, sweaty and dirty anyway. Plus going to get the colour done is a very timely procedure that I have to schedule into my diary almost months in advance just to allow myself the time.

It's a given that I currently have all the time in the world, so time to get the colour done. It would have been a good three months since it was last done. I know, I'm a terrible person! But the colour I get through is not that much lighter then my natural colour...slightly noticeable but nothing crazy!

So my colour was done and my hair was washed. In my current state, very successful day for me! But I just rinsed my hair for the first time since having it done, knowing that I am going back again tomorrow to have it properly washed and it just feels so much better, when its wet. Weird but it does.

So I have decided that I am actively going to commit to getting my hair done more then once every three months to save the people of Perth of my terrible regrowth. I am incredibly thankful to have  a great hairdresser working out of Skatt in Mount Hawthorn.

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