Sunday, July 13, 2014

Productive Weekends

I swear I've been everywhere and done everything this weekend. As of about Thursday last week, it was a quiet one ahead of me, and I was excited! It has been a while since I didn't have much planned for the weekend and with the surgery coming up, there is a lot I need to get done.

That all changed as of around Thursday. All of a sudden I was running an extra fitness class, treating some one from home, meeting a friend who has come back to Perth for the weekend, a potential business meeting and coaching some swimming. I was also thrown a quiz night invite, and invite out on Saturday night...but there was only so much I could fit in.

So I managed to plan my Saturday and got a some of what needed to be prepped done. I did food prep, business propositions, trained, handstand photo'ed but I managed to space it out nicely over the whole day. So nothing felt rushed and I got to take my time doing what I needed to do. So although I got a lot done and was highly productive, it still felt like a very easy day. And I slept like a happy with that!!

Sunday. Wow. Ever 2 hours I had a different appointment with a different person. My car was packed for the day with many outfit changes and equipment for so many different activities that needed to be done. I've done everything from talking to training, driving to digging my elbows into someone.

This weekend I've taken on more roles then an actor in a one man show. Though it was not the quiet weekend I thought it was going to be, have gotten so much done, caught up with and met so many people and been in so many different places. I often ask my patients at work how their weekend was, and they ask it in return. So this week I can say BUSY!!! But good!

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