Sunday, July 6, 2014

Growing Up

My little brother turned 21 the other day. What?! Where has time gone. I still remember when I was five and he was three, begging me to play cricket with him, and when I said no, he proceeded to chase me around the garden with the cricket bat and managed to land it solidly on top of my head. There was blood.

I also remember a day where he decided not to chase me, but instead a boy probably twice the size of him who had just pushed me over on the roller skating rink cause me to come off crying. Apparently the only boy who was allowed to push me around was him, so he went to show this dude who's boss!

8 years later, cricket bats were replaced with scissors...thankfully I was faster by this stage. Roller skating had been replaced with football and he was doing his fair share of pushing around there. Being seen out in public with your sister or your mum was so not cool and we had a limit of 10 questions we could ask him at the end of the day, all being answered with one word, so choose your questions wisely 

And 10 years from there, he has finally stopped chasing me, another girl has caught his attention these days. He can hold down a conversation using more then one word answers and sometimes even initiate the conversation! He has grown up and achieved some pretty amazing things in these past 21 years and holds his own in our family of high achievers.  

So I and the crown of my head are thankful that my baby brother has grown up, but he will always be my little brother no matter how old he gets.

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