Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I love airports. I have always loved airports and if you told me that I would be sitting in transit for a couple of hours I would be the happiest person in the room. Some people find airports to be like limbo, holding then up in a big building just waiting for something better that is coming their way. They will just sit on the uncomfortable airports seats and read the paper or stare out the window until it was time for them to board the plane. 

Every time I enter an airport there is a massive sense of excitement that comes over me. They are busy and constantly on the go, even at crazy hours in the morning. You can wander through look at planes coming in and taking off, watch people passing by or just walk laps of huge terminal, yep I've been that weirdo! Even if I'm not the one going anyway going to the airport is still just so exciting! I dropped my grandma off to go away and I swear I was more excited then she was. 

This morning however I did the very early morning run to drop my mum at the airport for her trip to France. So 3.45am I was pulling into the airport drive way, and even though I wasn't even getting out of the car this time (I was still in my pyjamas), same sense if excitement occurred! 

I love the fact that airports excite me so vouch, it makes holidays that much more fun and transit times as always entertaining!

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