Saturday, July 5, 2014

Winter Sun

Hard to believe we took this photo in the middle of winter (reason for the handstands will come later). But when we took this photo is was a balmy 8 degree's Celsius and the time is 11.30am. It was freezing but the sun was helping.

I got home from the morning expeditions and walked into my house. My house is one of those ones that is amazing during summer, but a nightmare in winter - constantly cold and any heat that is inserted is quickly also turned into cold.

I had some computer work to do throughout the afternoon and decided that the sun was far more appealing then the icy office. So I ventured into my backyard with a towel and sat in the sun. For three hours.

The was a lot of time wasting and procrasting but it was so much better to do it outside in the warm fresh air them to be stuck inside.

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