Monday, July 28, 2014

Knowing People

We have heard it many times before... It's not about what you know but who you know. And in my one handed capacity, who I know is crucial.

Example 1: While in hospital over the past few days, I knew my nurse. I know that nurses have seen and heard everything before, wayyyy more then they want to know, but it just helps so much when you are particularly out of sorts and vulnerable when the stranger looking after you is not actually a stranger at all. She would come into my room and have a bit of winger about the patient two rooms down, wouldn't be afraid to crack jokes or crazy comments because she knew my personality and how I would respond to her calls. It also meant I didn't have to try and sign myself out of hospital when my dominant hand was taken out of action.

Example 2: My Occupational Therapist. From hospital I went straight next door to the Hand and Upper Limb Centre to see the OT I have been working with for the past three months to get fitted for my next splint. She also happens to be a girl I use to train with. So coming for therapy is more like catching up with a friend! It also means that our weekly follow ups can occur over social media or via phone call and if there are any problems I can then go in to see her.

Example 3: Getting my hair washed. In the splint I am in at the moment means I can't get my hand anywhere near my head and the stitches mean that I can't get it wet anyway. So washing my hair is not an option currently. Here is where I am thankful to have a friend who is a hair dresser and has volunteered her services and her apprentices to get my hair taken care of for very little. There is nothing worse then greasy unwashed hair!

This is only the beginning of the list of people who have been of unbelievable help to me in my first week of being one handed. I am so lucky to know and have such helpful people in my life.

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