Friday, July 25, 2014

New Opportunities

So I am officially on a 3 month break from Physio. It was a very strange feeling to walk out of the practice on Tuesday and know that I am not coming back. Three months not working in my chosen 'career'....what am I going to do with myself?

But when I stopped to think about it, I asked myself why did I chose Physio in the first place? I grew up in the sporting world so was exposed to Physio from an early age. That would have been the first reason. The second would have been because I was told I couldn't. I hate being told I can't do something, so I was out to prove everyone wrong. And I did. I was one of four in my graduating class to graduate with a job offer before sitting my final exam. Take that you doubters!

Don't get me wrong Physio is a great job and it helped me to realise who much I love to help people. But your typical Physio job can only let you take that so far. Which was when I decided to do my personal training course. This allowed me to now deal with injuries and help them to achieve their goals. Adding that extra dimension was getting closer to what I loved. 

The opportunity is now arising where I can combine the two and with it there are endless possibilities. And what makes it even better? I will be working with girls that I love to pieces! We are so similar in the things we want and what inspires us, but at the same time so very different that by putting us together covers so many avenues. We compliment each other perfectly. 

I can't help but to be excited about the future and all the possibilities ahead of us, who knows I may not go back to Physio. So what are you waiting for?

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