Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Curly Hair

I definitely have a love hate relationship with my hair. It's curly. Very curly. At times frizzy curly, at times ringlet curly and then sometimes it is controlled curly. I would say it is frizzy curly 60% of the time, ringlet curly 10% of the time, straight (because I am over the curls) 10% of the time and controlled curls 20%.

I love those days where you don't really have to do anything to you hair, but it just works. For me my hair has to be of a certain length to happen. This is because I have quite thin hair, although I've got a lot of it, it needs the weight to hold it down. 

I am now at that length or weight, so I'm happy to say, recently I have been having days of controlled curls. Meaning I have to do less with my hair and it still looks somewhat presentable, and, I am happy to keep it untied for more then 20 minutes at a time. 

Yay for good hair days!

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