Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mid Morning Run

I didn't get to complete my early morning training session this morning. I was running the class that I normal take part in, then followed that up with covering a couple of clients while a friend got some stuff sorted out. I planned to then do my training session after that - some interval running, but I got a call at 8am saying I needed to be at my doctors at 8.45. So no training for me.

I finally got out the doctors about an hour and a half later (an half hour wait for an 8.45am appointment? I feel sorry for those at the end of the day) and it was raining. Didn't stop me. My delayed run needed to happen and I wasn't going to let some rain stop me. I was sick of being on the treadmill.

Running mid morning in some winter rain was surprising refreshing. While most people are already cooped up in the office, or making the last minute morning commute, I was running the streets, and getting wet. I got some funny looks but I'm use to them. I love running in the early morning don't get me wrong, by far best time of the day. But running mid morning? There is something invigorating about the freedom of running when you know there are some people that can't.

So today I am thankful for having the opportunity to run in the middle of the day. Shift work wins again!

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