Monday, July 21, 2014


Tough Mudder training is going strong. And you have to be strong to get through our Tough Mudder training! If you have ever done a Tough Mudder event, or any obstacle race really, you would know that you rely heavily on your team. Everyone has their individual strengths to help out others and weakness needing the help of the rest of the team - me for example - pulling up! Put I could push and run all day long.

Training this weekend, you very much needed your team members to get you through it! Part one - run down the hill (it was a long hill) but you didn't really need the team to get through that one. Part two 100 pull ups - partner assisted when you couldn't pull anymore. While one partner was pull-up'ing the other was doing triceps dips...yay tag team! Partners then moved onto 100 toes to bar and burpees, and finally 100 partner plank push ups.

The third and final part - piggy backing back up that nice long, slowly inclining hill. Taking it bit by bit, getting out what your could before you swapped with your partner. Half way up the hill we stopped for a casual 100 body weight squats before running the final half of the hill.

Very much a team orientated workout, brings out the best in everyone and a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Always love sharing the pain with my team mates!

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