Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Big Flock Of Birds

Bit of a strange one today. I was out running this morning I figured it would probably take me less time to run into Kings Park then it would to drive there with all the traffic lights, 40km speed limit through the city and your Sunday drivers.  

The thing about running in Kings Park for me, I never really know where I'm going, how long I will be running for or how far. I kind of just pick a path and off I go. If I end up back somewhere near the entrance to the park I go through and am not quite done yet, not a problem - pick another path! The risk with that again is that I may run wayyyy further then I really should. But I will deal with that later.

The distance and time today were pretty well controlled it the paths I selected, however the hills were not expected. I had a lot of slow inclines to face. By far the worst hills to be running up. By the time I got back to the park entrance I was ready to start my run home which meant going over the Narrows Bridge. By this point the legs were not loving life.

Half way over the narrows though, somewhere on the city foreshore a massive flock of birds had been disrupted and taken of. First thought - please don't poop on me. But after the fear of something falling from the sky had passed and I watched I would say a good one hundred birds fly off over the river I was pretty in awe. And very much distracted about my unhappy calves.

Thanks to the big flock of black birds who managed to distract and amazing me, even if it was only for a minute.

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