Saturday, July 26, 2014

Waking Up After Surgery

Amongst all the bad things about waking up after surgery such as how crappy you feel, the nausea, pain and the sleepiness, there are two good things. One - you're still alive, always a plus! And two - its over! I always wake up recovery to alarms sounding and the feeling of being tipped on my head. This is because my heart rate and blood pressure are so low they are trying to get the blood to drain back to my heart. Last time it took a really long time to stabilise me and when I was finally ready to be moved most of the anaesthesia had worn off.

I had given them a heads up this time and they remembered me from last time so knew what to expect. So I woke up[ and head was already down and they managed to stabilise my obs much quicker. So much quicker that the anaesthesia was still wearing off when I was taken back to my room.

Where I was happy and surprised to see my friend waiting for me. Awwww!! Still in my extremely hazy state I felt bad that I wasn't able to talk back to her as much as I wanted to. But she got straight down to business for me. She asked who I needed to contact. Took this flattering photo and sent it to my family in France, my god mother and my aunty (who arrived in my room fifteen minutes later) and the friends I had roped in to help me out over the next week or so.

I have some amazing people in my life and the support I have been given since waking up from surgery has just blown me away. I am thankful for each and every one of them.

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