Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Being A Physio

So guess what...I hurt myself again. I seem to just be on a roll at the moment. But really if there was ever a time to through another injury my way, this was it! Following the surgery I am suppose to completely rest for a couple of days and we all know that that is going to be super challenging for me. I'm going to want to run or at least walk. So how do we combat this? We take out a knee!!

It was a very wet and rainy night, so when I got to training last night a little early so managed to squeeze in a twenty minute run on the treadmill before the class I was doing. Lucky!! The main workout was a tabata style workout, finishing each round with a lap of the stairs.

Started heading up the stairs at the end of the first round, and the first flight is a little dark and what I failed to see was the puddle of water. I went down. There was a bit of twisting of the femur on the tibia and I landed on the outside of the knee.

Initial thoughts, F^*& I've done my MCL. But I sat there for a minute, straightened out my knee and tried to work out what I was feeling, and I don't think I actually had too much deep pain, it was more superficial. Was able to get up hobble back down the stairs (yep could partially weight bear) and went straight into Physio mode. Elevated my leg, got some ice and strapped it on for a good twenty minutes.

Got the people there with me to help try and test my ligaments and so far so good. So decided to try weight bearing - yep able to fully weight bear, extend my knee to about minus five degrees and flex it to about ninety. So hobbled my way up to my car and got myself home to get the ice back on again.

Happy, and thankful to say I have been pretty well trained. I was able to quickly piece together how I had fallen, where the weight had landed and the potentially injured structures. I was able to work out the type of pain I was feeling and what needed to be done ASAP.

Waking up the morning, swelling is manageable, range is about the same and again I am able to weight bear. I still don't think I have done anything massive to blow out this knee but I will get it checked by one of the boys at work when I get in today - for my last day!!!!

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