Monday, July 7, 2014

Challenge Accepted

There have been plenty of fitness challenges going around at the moment. The Squat Challenge, Plank Challenge, Sit Up Challenge, Push Up Challenge, Bikini Body Challenge. I did even see a Nap Challenge. I have done a couple, but as with anything, I get bored quickly, so two 30 day challenges was enough for me.

Until this one came along. A friend pointed out to me the July 31 Day Handstand Challenge which was organised by Niche Crossfit. The idea was to post a photo of your handstand every day for 31 days showing your improvement and your creativity, the winner at the end of the month then selecting a charity to donate all the entry money to. Keen!

Though with my current wrist situation handstands are out. Elbow stands however, are in! After getting the approval from the organisers for my modification, we signed up. We are seven days in and seven hand stands (elbow stands in my case) down.

Personally, I haven't seen too much improvement with my ability to balance yet, but I feel that having to do it on my elbows is putting me at a little bit of a disadvantage because the wall is further away from where my centre of gravity should be ideally. I need to stop being so reliant on the wall and try and hold my position on my own. But for me it is more about being involved due to my current limitation.

It has been a great initiative set up by Niche Crossfit and has brought people world over together to handstand and raise money for charity. I am thankful for a good challenge!

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