Friday, July 11, 2014


You normally get post cards from foreign places, from friends and family that are travelling and having an amazing time while you are holding down the fort and continuing day to day life back at home. You get a quick snap shot of where they are, what their doing and the fun they are having, and a short 200 words explaining their most recent adventures. Well that's what I normally associate with postcards anyway!

I got one of a different kind in the mail yesterday though. One from only a few suburbs over, but probably the best one I have received in a very long time. Before I was taken out with injury, I became a member at the Crossfit Box we had been training at for the Showdown back in May. I had probably been a member all of two weeks when I had to call up and ask for my membership to be put on hold as I had been told not to anything through my right arm for the next few months.

So I came home to find this really nice postcard from the box. Similarly to how a postcard from someone else's holiday destination makes you wish that you were there, this one made me wish I was able to go back to training. But just the act put a massive smile on my face and made me some much more determined to get better and be able to return injury free, to see what I am really capable of with this kind of training.

These small rectangles of card are really the best kind of mail. You have been thought of by someone else and they have taken a moment out of their day and wanted to share something with you. Feeling special

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