Monday, June 30, 2014

Grease Is The Word

I have always been a musical theatre fan, maybe because I was brought up in the dance world and was performing from a young age, but I would rather go see a stage show then a concert any day!

The most recent, Grease, The Musical. Everyone knows the story of Grease. You watched it growing up as a kid, sand along with your friends while watching the movie and whenever you have been forced into karaoke. It's a classic.

That's what I love about musical theatre, they take classics and bring them back again. Don't shoot me when I say this, and I can honestly say that I was excited about going to see this show, but I think growing up, I had overdone Grease. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I watched the movie as a kid, and then we did it as our school production when I was around 15. I had kind of done Grease to death.

But what I said about bringing classics back again, totally happened. Watching the storyline unfold in a new platform - that is on stage without me actually being on it, did exactly that. Brought the story back to life for me again.

Safe to say the show didn't let me down and full respect to the talented individuals that give these performances their all, night after night.

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