Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Clean Car

Washing my car, as I'm sure for most people, is just one of the jobs I put off for as long as possible! My rule is when I get a public holiday, I will wash my car. So the start of the year, my car feels so loved because we get a public holiday almost every month. But between July and December we have one. So true to my typical fashion, I washed my car on that one day in September (despite also having gastro on that day so was totally not able to enjoy my day off). It's now December and my car is feeling particularly unloved!

But with Christmas just around the corner, I was holding off. I have a full 5 days off over Christmas and am not going to know what to do with myself, so I figured saving the washing of my car would occupy almost 2 hours of those days.

My mum however decided that she was going to wash her car one morning - she has a very nice car and likes to keep it looking that way. I was working from home that morning and was walking outside with a friend when she was just finishing up with her car. Going out on a whim, I jokingly said 'Do you want to wash mine too?'

'Alright' she says. I almost fell over! Scored!! So now I have a nice clean car, that is feeling the love again and I didn't even have to do it. Not only I'm I thankful to have a clean car which is much nicer to drive in, I'm thankful to my mum for doing this horrible task for me.

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