Thursday, December 12, 2013


I have talked about my fighting fish Franklin before. He is now almost two years old which I'm sure in fish years is something close to one hundred but he just keeps swimming! And just when you thought he would be content with life underwater, he tries his fin at living on land.

I was cleaning his bowl, and when I do so I keep him in the measuring cup you can see above while the water is neutralized with the stuff I put in it. He has to stay in the cup for around an hour and during this time, I was treating a friend from home.

Once I had finished with her I came out to put Franklin back in his bowl, and looked from cup to bowl and back to cup again....he was no where to be seen. What on earth has happened to my fish?!?! I looked up slightly to see him lying dead still on the bench. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I gently touched him and he started flipping around so grab a spatula from the kitchen draw and tries to get him back into his bowl as quickly as I could. The amount he was jumping around was almost like he didn't want to go back into the bowl...hard core fish!

I have no idea how long he was lying there for, but the fact he was so still yet still alive, I recon about half an hour. So what can I say, in my family we like to challenge ourselves and do things at an extreme level, and my fish is no in water? Too easy! Let's try dry land!!

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