Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Great Speech

My favourite part of a 21st by far are the speeches! Those embarrassing stories that you hope would never come up in life again, they do. And all at one time! It doesn't take much to make me laugh, so most of the time these speeches have me in stitches!

We recently had my cousins Military themed 21st. Growing up he was very go with the flow and embraced each situation he was put it. He had plenty of big and far-fetched ideas but often didn't have the plan to achieve this result, which resulted in some hilarious failed attempts. He would always take them on the chin and turn what could have been a disaster into something that had the rest of us rolling on the floor laughing.

And as per any 21st, his Mum, Dad, Sister and girlfriend had all these stories in the bank and ready to be pulled out again on his night. Along with a brilliant slide show, the speeches didn't fail to deliver and had me and all other attendees laughing very hard.

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