Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Trees

Normally every year our house has our Christmas Tree up on the 1st of December without fail. It is marked on the calendar, there is time blocked out in the diary and up it goes. I'm very sad to say that this was not the case this year. December 1st just so happened to fall on the weekend of the dance concert so I wasn't home for more then 20 minutes at any one point throughout the day, my parents were interstate and my brother....well who knows where he was but it's not like I can rely on him to get the tree up anyway, he'd just do it wrong!

After the craziness that carried over from the weekend, and getting my parents home, the tree didn't go up until Tuesday the 3rd, devastated! But now that's it up, actually we have two this year, I get my daily dose of sparkly lights and colour. I was excited to put all my new decorations that I had been given from my dancers this year as well.

I love seeing really well put together trees. You can always pick those ones that have been planned and where a lot of effort has been put into the construction and decoration of the tree. The beautiful lights and themes of trees are exciting and brighten the day (and night) and just remind me of the happiness that comes with the Christmas season.

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