Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Big Day (third and final part)

Just a short one to finish off. Getting home from the concert very late at night and still coming down from all the stress, excitement, laughs and tears that there was no way I was anywhere near going to sleep yet. So instead I unpacked all my bags, seeing how many odd shoes and pieces of costume I had come home with and taken all the flowers, gifts and cards out of my car.

Unpacking was done by around 12.30 and still no where near bed ready, I sat down and started reading the cards written by the girls and their parents. The messages I read and the effort all of them had gone to to thank my for working with their children all year was amazing and brought me to tears (again). I felt so appreciated and thankful to have worked with such precious kids and their families, a lot of them for many years now and realised just how much I am going to miss seeing these gorgeous faces every Saturday morning. I want to wish these kids all the best for the big bright futures they all have ahead of them!

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