Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Most people have shut down for the remainder of the year and are in full holiday mode. For our family, the tradition is the Christmas Eve Morning Swim.

A group of 40 or so keen swimmers gather at Cott Beach at 6.30 for the annual handicapped swim. Everyone was relaxed and carefree and in holiday spirit, coming together for a bit of healthy competition and making the most of our beaches. There is a huge range of ages and abilities that congregate each year, which is why the race is handicapped. You submit your 1km time and the race organiser determines your start time from there.

This year, as per every other year, I am off dead last with a lot of catching up to do. Unlike every other year though there were no stingers, so no one came out of the water in pain and covered in welts. The swim sets up the day for finalising gifts, running around to pick things up and organising everything for tomorrow.

Christmas is upon us!

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