Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Plank Challenge

This is my mum on Day 1 of starting the plank challenge. She is not like me, she tends to give up pretty easily and is not the physical challenge type of person, she likes to get through on the easy road. I was talking about this 30 Day Plank Challenge at boxing on this same day, and she pipes up 'I'll do it!'. I said mum, you know this results in you holding a plank for 5 minutes by the end of the 30 days?? She said well maybe I wont get that far. There we go again, setting herself up to fail.

She had already talked herself out if it before even starting. However she is not at day 7, that's right a whole week into the challenge and she has stuck to it. One the third day she had forgotten to plank and I was heading out, not going to be seeing her until the following day, so I left her a note "Drop and give me 40 (seconds)". When I saw her the next day she had gotten my brother to time her and she did it. So 7 days down 33 to go...stay tuned!

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