Monday, December 30, 2013

What Did You Do This Year?

About a week ago I was treating a patient at work one day and he said something that really made me think. This session was just before Christmas and we were talking about how the year had gone by so quickly (like every other year), and he said to me "Well what have you actually done this year?"

It was a really good point, a whole year has gone past and what have I actually begun, finished, attempted, achieved this year? What was I proud of doing, what changes have I made - for the better and the worse?

So for the past week now I have been putting it down on paper. I tried to break it up into work/career, exercise, lifestyle etc. but a lot of it all seemed to merge together. And I don't think I'm anywhere near finishing it yet (hopefully I will be by the time the year ends) but when you put it all in one place like this, you can see that although a whole year has gone by, a lot has happened and I have more accomplishments than I thought I did.

So, what did you do this year?

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