Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Take Two

How my family celebrates Christmas is it is split over two days. Yesterday we were with Dad's brother and sister and their partners and children, today it was Mum's sides turn. Her parents live down in Mandurah which is around a 40 minute drive from where we live. Mum has a sister who, with her husband have two kids also. So our second day of Christmas is spent with the 10 of us down at my grandparents Mandurah house, again another tradition I couldn't imagine straying from.

My 8 year old cousin definitely keeps us all young. Just as we were starting to outgrow the whole Santa thing growing up, this little poppet was born and launched us straight back into the Christmas magic. Her belief in Santa keeps the magic alive and keeps us all excited about Christmas which makes the day that little bit happier.

I love the way our families split Christmas over two days. This means we are not rushing around from house to house, family to family and we don't finish the day absolutely exhausted. The festive season lasts that little bit longer.

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